There are several brands of gum on the market that claim to help you clean your teeth, and some of the more wary patients at our Lynnwood dental center will ask if these claims are legitimate. After all, gum is supposed to be bad for your teeth. In our modern era of scam diets, hedge funds and online snake oils it’s certainly understandable to want to look the more spectacular price horses in the mouth, but you can rest assured on this one: chewing certain kinds of gum can indeed be a good part of your oral hygiene.
Most gum is bad because it is sugary. It feeds the bacteria in your mouth and encourages it to eat through your enamel. The chewing action, however, is good for promoting the production of saliva, which is one of your best natural weapons against tooth decay. Saliva washes out your mouth and counteracts the effects of acid that might corrode your teeth. Therefore, a sugar-free variety of gum can be quite beneficial to your oral health, particularly if you suffer from low saliva.
In 2007, the American Dental Association awarded their Seal of Acceptance to Orbit, Eclipse, and Extra chewing gums to acknowledge their value to proper dental care. To learn more about sugar-free gum, or to discuss other options to combat low saliva production, contact our Lynnwood Dentistry today.