Smoke and Secondhand Smoke vs. Your Teeth

You’re probably aware of all the bigger bullet-points about smoking, but did you know that smoking is also bad for your teeth? This goes beyond the ugly stains that it leaves behind; smoking is a serious threat to your oral health, and our Lynnwood dentist advises that you avoid the habit for the sake of your own teeth and, indeed, the teeth of those around you.

Tobacco smoke boasts a two-pronged attack against your mouth. Firstly, it compromises the growth of healthy gums, contributing strongly to gum disease. As this happens, it is also reducing the mineral density of bones and retarding the ability of your teeth to bounce back against tooth decay. Smokers are therefore far more likely to lose teeth than non-smokers.

Unfortunately, these problems aren’t limited to the smokers themselves. Secondhand smoke has also been shown to reduce bone density, plaguing anyone close to a smoker with a higher risk of tooth rot. If you smoke, do the right thing for yourself and for your loved ones: drop the habit immediately, and make an appointment with our Lynnwood Dentistry today.