What Causes TMD’s?

A TMJ disorder represents any kind of problem with the temporomandibular joint.  In simple terms, it’s a problem with the joint of your jaw or the muscles that manipulate it.  The cause of any individual TMJ disorder is frequently unclear, but our Lynnwood dental clinic advises you to be on the lookout for the following […]

The Dangers of Mouth-Breathing

Do you have a child who habitually breathes through his or her mouth? This is fairly common. About half of all children under the age of eight do some degree of mouth-breathing. If he or she hasn’t grown out of the habit by the age of eight, though, it might be wise to bring this […]

What’s the Deal with Oil Pulling?

There is a recent trend among the naturopath community that is being called “oil pulling”. Under this practice, tooth brushing is done away with in favor of vigorously swishing natural oil for twenty minutes, twice a day. This is supposed to clean your teeth, reduce inflammation, and give you all sorts of other benefits. But […]

Do You Have Tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis, or an inflammation of the tonsils, generally represents a viral or bacterial infection in your tonsils.  It can be a condition that requires medical attention, so our Lynnwood dental clinic advises that you be on the lookout for the following warning signs: A pain or tenderness in your throat. A coating of white or […]