Gum Disease and Prostate Problems

A recent study was conducted to examine the relationship between gum disease and prostate problems. In the study, twenty seven men who suffered from some inflammation of the prostate gland and an elevated prostate specific antigen (PSA) level, along with moderate to severe gum disease. Following this evaluation, participants underwent four to eight weeks of treatment for their gum disease, during which they received no treatment for their prostate inflammation. The results showed that a total of twenty one of these men experienced an improvement in their PSA levels as their gum disease improved. Further, it was the men who had the most inflammation benefitted the most from periodontal treatment.

The takeaway from this is that, if you are struggling with prostate inflammation, you should have any gum disease you may be experiencing addressed as a supplement for any other treatment you are undergoing. Talk to our Lynnwood dentistry clinic to learn more about how to protect your gums from disease, or how to cure gum disease after it has taken hold.