For many years now, doctors have been making use of a special type of glass in the healing of bones. This material, which is known as bioactive glass, is a crushed glass that has the property of being able to interact with organic material. Your body reacts to its presence, as opposed to the inert nature of other materials. It is also known to have antibacterial properties. This has many helpful applications in the field of medicine.
Recently, researchers have been exploring the possibilities of making use of bioactive glass in the field of dentistry. According to a recent study, this material may be valuable in prolonging the life of fillings. A filling made from bioactive glass can serve to slow secondary tooth decay and provide minerals to replace those lost to decay.
Should the research pay off, it will be a simple matter to incorporate bioactive glass into dental filling compounds. We may very well be benefiting from such fillings at our Lynnwood dentistry clinic within the next few years.