Stress During Pregnancy Can Cause Tooth Decay in Children

When a woman is pregnant, feeling excessive stress has been shown to have many unfortunate effects on their unborn children. Recently, a study from the University of Washington in Seattle suggested that these effects might include excessive tooth decay.

This study took a look at data gathered from over seven hundred mothers and their children, including signs of high stress that the mothers experienced during their pregnancies and the extent of oral decay in the children between three and six years following their births. Their findings indicated that children born from mothers under a lot of stress had a significantly higher risk of dental caries.

This is the first study that has linked stress during pregnancy to tooth decay in children. However, it is consistent with numerous studies that have shown a higher instance of caries among children in low-income households, as pregnant mothers in low socioeconomic situations commonly experience more stress.

If you are pregnant, do what you can to manage your stress for your child’s sake. After your child turns one, bring him or her in for a visit at our Lynnwood dentistry clinic.