Whole Grains Prevent Periodontitis

Whole grains have demonstrated many valuable benefits for your health, including reducing your cholesterol levels and preventing diabetes. On top of this, it would appear that whole grains also have a lot to offer to your teeth. Research has demonstrated that a diet rich in brown rice, dark bread, popcorn, and other forms of whole grains is conducive of good oral health. People who got a minimum of three servings of such foods every day are about 23% less likely to suffer from periodontitis than people who eat less than one serving.

This revelation comes to us from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The theory is that whole grains improve your ability to metabolize glucose, which results in a lower blood glucose level. Your blood therefore exposes your mouth to less of this sugary substance, discouraging decay.

To get the optimal effect for your teeth, three or four slices of whole wheat bread every day may be sufficient. Talk to our Lynnwood dentistry clinic for additional information on maintaining a mouth-friendly diet.