Abscess: From Root to Tooth to Everywhere Else
Dental abscesses can occur at different regions of the tooth for different reasons. A pocket of pus caused by bacterial infection, abscesses can occur at the tips of roots, called periapical abscess, or in the gums next to a root called periodontal abscess. A periapical tooth abscess usually results from an untreated cavity, an injury or prior dental work. Bacteria enters the cavity or a crack and infects the pulp all the way to the tip of the root.
Dentists will treat a tooth abscess by draining it and getting rid of the infection. They tooth can be saved via a root canal treatment or extraction. Antibiotics may not be needed if infection is limited to the abscessed area. Leaving a tooth abscess untreated can lead to serious, even life-threatening, complications.
What are the symptoms of tooth abscess?
Most abscesses manifest as severe, persistent, throbbing toothache that can radiate to the jawbone, neck or ear. The tooth is sensitive to hot or cold temperatures or the pressure of chewing or biting. There may be fever, tender, swollen lymph nodes under the jaw or in the neck, swelling in that part of the face. There can also be a rush of foul-smelling and foul-tasting, salty fluid in the mouth and pain relief if the abscess ruptures.
If oral hygiene is poor, it can increase your risk of tooth decay, gum disease, tooth abscess, and other dental and mouth complications. A diet high in sugar can contribute to dental cavities and turn into a tooth abscess.
A tooth abscess requires treatment. The pain may decrease significantly if the abscess ruptures, but dental treatment is necessary. If the abscess doesn’t drain, the infection may spread to the jaw and to other areas of the head and neck. You might even develop sepsis, a life-threatening infection that spreads throughout your body via the bloodstream. A weakened immune system with an untreated dental abscess increases the risk of spreading the infection even more.
A prompt visit to the dentist is in order if you have any signs or symptoms of a tooth abscess. In the absence of a dentist, a trip to the emergency room of a hospital especially if you present with fever and swelling in your face, there is difficulty breathing or swallowing. This indicates that the infection has invaded the deeper tissues or has spread to other areas of your system.
Prompt Attention to Abscesses in Lynnwood
Relieve tooth abscess pain and avoid complications by seeing us at Lynnwood Song Dental. Rest assured of a prompt and caring treatment for all dental abscesses.