Dry mouth affects you in many ways, some of the most important involving the health of your teeth. In case this isn’t enough of an incentive to deal with your dry mouth, our Lynnwood dental clinic would like to remind you of a few side effects of the condition that may appeal to your vanity.
First of all, a dry mouth is probably going to come with a dry face. When your mouth doesn’t have adequate saliva, you can expect that the moisture is also going to be leaving the surrounding skin. Be on the lookout for wrinkles and cracks around the lips, possibly with no small amount of chapping.
If you’re hoping to cover up these flaws with lipstick, think again: a dry mouth is less able to flush away stains, including those brought on by your cosmetics. This is why you might expect to see more lipstick showing up on your teeth while you suffer from dry mouth. Tackle these problems at the source, and consult your dentist on ways you can deal with your low saliva levels.