The Dangers of Bulimia

Bulimia is a form of eating disorder. Bulimic people have a strong fear of gaining weight, and operate under the theory that they can avoid doing so if they regurgitate their food shortly after eating it. This practice is not only preventing them from benefiting from the necessary nutrients in their food, but it is also highly unhealthy for your teeth and gums.

Indeed, any situation where you find yourself vomiting a lot is going to have implications for your oral health. Every time you vomit, you are subjecting your throat and mouth to the brutal digestive acids of your stomach. If you’re doing this on a daily basis, you are quickly eroding your tooth enamel and breaking down your delicate tissues, inviting serious decay and gum disease. This is why bulimics are known to frequently lose their teeth.

Our Lynnwood dentistry clinic encourages patients to foster lifestyles that are healthy and sustainable. If you require further assistance in maintaining good dental hygiene, contact Song Dental during normal business hours.