Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth are frequently the last teeth to erupt in your mouth, generally appearing as you enter adulthood. Our Lynnwood dental clinic offers wisdom tooth extractions, which are common and simple procedures that many adults have to go through. However, the idea that wisdom teeth must necessarily be removed is a common misconception.
If you have wisdom teeth, consider the impact they have on your mouth. Have they come in crooked? Are they crowding your other teeth, throwing your bite out of alignment or putting strain on your jaw? Finally, how easy is it for you to care for these teeth?
If their position makes brushing and flossing an ordeal, they could quickly turn into a hotbed of bacteria that could ruin your entire mouth. Any of these conditions can make you a candidate for a wisdom tooth removal. If you think you could live comfortably with your wisdom teeth, however, then you may very well be one of the lucky ones.
Call our office to schedule your wisdom tooth extraction, or to explore your options with your wisdom teeth.