Got a new baby? Not looking forward to the teething? Your Lynnwood dental clinic can help. It can be a tough phase for an infant, but there are ways for you to help your little one to ride it out in comfort and make sure that he or she has a good and healthy start with his or her new teeth.
For most babies, teeth will begin to erupt anywhere between three and twelve months, most often around the six month mark. Be on the lookout for the signs: irritability, drooling, gumming, loss of appetite, a fever or a change in bowel movements can all indicate that a tooth is coming in.
If your baby appears to be in pain, try massaging the gums for two minutes at a time using a clean finger or a cool, clean cloth or teething ring. Some babies can benefit from chewing on a teething ring or teething biscuit, though you should supervise such activity to prevent a choking hazard. If your baby is having particular problems, you may consider an age-appropriate painkiller; be sure to consult your doctor for any medication you want to give your baby.
If your baby develops a rash during teething, this is likely due to the excessive drooling he or she is doing. Keep your baby clean to minimize this problem.
A tooth will usually erupt about three to five days after symptoms of teething start, and symptoms should go away quickly thereafter. If a tooth is not erupting, or if symptoms persist longer than they ought to, call your doctor.