Premature Birth and Your Oral Health

Our Lynnwood dentistry clinic has discussed the importance of dental care for pregnant woman in the past. Indeed, pregnancy leaves you particularly vulnerable to tooth and gum problems. However, the story does not end there. The fact is that, if you fail to maintain good dental health during your pregnancy, it may have unfortunate effects on your child.

Preterm and low-birth-weight births are often triggered by an infection somewhere in the mother’s body. The medical world has been aware of this for a long time, taking care to watch out for urinary tract infections and throat infections in expecting women. Unfortunately, an infection in the mouth can be just as destructive. Periodontal disease increases your level of a hormone called prostaglandin, which can trigger labor prematurely. The good news is that early treatment of gum disease can reduce this risk, so do your baby a favor and get your regular care with Song Dental.