Dental Floss Selection
Floss selection is an important part of your flossing routine. Your Lynnwood Dentistry wants you to get the most out of your flossing, and one of the best ways to do this is to be aware of the different kinds of floss available to you.
Not all floss is the same because not all teeth are the same. If you find yourself having to rip your floss out from between your teeth, for example, then your teeth are probably a little closer together than other people’s. Try experimenting with finer floss until you can move in and out from between all of your teeth with reasonable ease.
Dental Floss Picks
For some people, limited manual dexterity is what makes flossing a trying ordeal. If you have this problem, you might consider some of the flossing aids that are available.
Floss picks are great because they allow easier angles for you to floss hard to reach areas. They may also allow you to effectively floss with only one hand instead of using both hands to reach the back teeth.
If you have any further questions about floss, or would like help in selecting floss, feel free to contact Song Dental in Lynnwood.