Matcha Green Tea Benefits
There are many good reasons to drink green tea, one of which has to do with your dental health. According to researchers, such tea contains antimicrobial molecules that serve to protect your teeth from harm. Subjects between the ages of forty and sixty-four who drank one cup of green tea every day were found to be 19% less likely to lose teeth as they aged.
Oolong tea was found to contain a lesser amount of the catechins responsible for this effect. Green teas sweetened with sugar, meanwhile, were far less beneficial.
Part of the benefit of tea may be attributed to the lukewarm fluid washing out your mouth. However, similarly warm coffees seem to lack the same benefits. Regular coffee has demonstrated no ability to keep your teeth healthy, while sweetened coffees are actually quite detrimental to your oral health. Coffee may also stain your teeth because of the dark coloration.
Drinking fluids that are too hot is also harmful to your delicate oral tissues and be aware that drinking hot tea may cause teeth sensitivity. It’s best to drink beverages that are closer to room temperature. With this in mind, do not hesitate to drink your tea cool.
For more tips on maintaining a clean, healthy mouth, contact our Lynnwood dentist, Dr. Song today!