Nobody likes a cold sore. They’re painful, unappealing, and difficult to get rid of. Should you find yourself suffering from one of these unfortunate sores, our Lynnwood Dentistry advises that you take the following steps in order to expedite recovery, minimize pain, and prevent the virus from spreading:
Cold sores are caused by a herpes virus. Therefore, they cannot be cured. However, you can buy over-the-counter drugs that can be effective in reducing the pain of the sores, minimizing cracking, and facilitating the healing process.
Keep your sores clean. Cold sores are vulnerable to bacterial infection, which will prolong the sores and cause you undue pain. If the area becomes dirty, wash your sore gently with soap and water.
If you are spending any significant time in the sun, apply sunblock to your lips and face.
Remember: You are contagious! Wash your hands after touching a sore, don’t kiss people, and don’t share beverages, utensils, or anything else that comes into contact with your lips.
You can spread the virus to other parts of your own body if you are not careful. Your eyes and your genitals are particularly vulnerable. Wash your hands before touching other parts of your body, or you could become afflicted with blindness or genital herpes.
Replace your toothbrush, and keep your brush away from those of the other members of your household.
Your sores will be contagious until they have completely crusted over. Cold sores should heal by themselves within seven to ten days.