How Do You Treat Jaw Popping?

Treatment Options: Dental and Medical When you call on your dentist because you are experiencing jaw popping, you may be prescribed some simple home remedies to ease your discomfort. Some of these remedies are:  Ice pack or moist heat. To be applied to the jaw area to ease the swelling NSAID. Examples are ibuprofen, aspirin, […]

What is Causing That Popping Sound in The Jaw?

Jaw Popping Habits to Medical Conditions When you hear your jaw pop, it may not be working properly and this can be caused by a variety of reasons. It may be due to too many times doing some unconscious action from chewing gum to grinding your teeth. It all points to a dysfunction of the […]

Warning Signs And Risk Factors of Gum Disease

Gum Disease Gum disease is a very common condition that can affect almost anyone. Hence, it pays to know the symptoms or warning signs, as well as the risk factors that can make you more susceptible to it. It is an inflammation due to infection of the gums that support your teeth. In adults, it […]

Diagnosis and Treatment for Receding Gums

The Goal of Treatment The first to see receding gums and any other form of periodontal disease is your dentist. The dentist makes the diagnosis for periodontal disease. When the diagnosis is made, the dentist promptly makes a referral to a periodontist. Oral Exam In an oral examination, your dentist examines your gums. Seeing some […]

The Reasons Why Your Gums May Be Receding

Multiple Factors of Gum Recession  Receding gums is a symptom of an underlying condition, called periodontitis. There are several causes that make your gums recede from their original position. It can range from simple neglect, to bad habits, to family history. Experts say that three out of four adults have some form of periodontal disease, […]

Treating Toothaches: Dental, Medical, and Home Remedies

Different Ways to Toothache Relief  While most toothaches are seen by the dentists, some are medical issues and medical doctors are the right experts to see. Home remedies are also popular but provide only temporary relief from your pain until you can see your dentist or doctor. Your Teeth and Gums Since most toothaches arise […]

Understanding Toothaches: Causes Why a Tooth Hurts

From Most Common to Rare Causes of Toothaches When you experience a toothache, you immediately think that you have a problem with a tooth. You wonder what is causing it. There are several reasons why you are having this painful sensation. It can be anywhere from a tooth decay to a root abscess, or even […]

Tips Your Dentist Would Like You To Know About Flossing

The Daily Routine That Can Save Your Teeth While most people will not forget brushing their teeth daily, oftentimes, flossing is a neglected practice. When flossing is not a daily habit, or worse, not part of oral hygiene at all, it can be a daunting task to accomplish. One must understand that brushing alone is […]