What is bleachorexia? This is the word given to the phenomenon wherein people become obsessed with whitening their teeth. Such people, called bleachorexics, are actually inflicting serious harm to both the appearance and health of their mouths, and our Lynnwood dental clinic wants to advise you against succumbing to this practice of over-whitening.
The chemicals in your tooth whitener are quite harsh on your mouth and, though you’re unlikely to see any side effects with a well-timed whitening routine, a failure to wait long enough between whitenings can do some serious damage. Your gums become irritated and can start to break down. Your enamel becomes compromised, leaving your teeth brittle and sensitive. Eventually your teeth may stop turning white and actually take on a translucent or blue appearance. It is for these reasons that you want to take care with whitening your teeth, and preferably seek out professional in-office treatments for your whitening needs.