Understanding Wisdom Teeth and The Signs

Watching Out For The Warning Signs 

Wisdom teeth are what people say are the last set of teeth that come out, signaling that you are now an adult or are now mature. They generally erupt from the age of 17 to 21. Wisdom teeth are actually a pair of third molars on both sides of the lower jaw, and another pair on the upper jaw. They come after you’ve had your first molars at 6 or 7 years old, and your second molars, around 12 to 13. According to research, at least 95% of wisdom teeth would have erupted by age 25. Wisdom teeth make up the most posterior set of teeth in the mouth, located at the backmost part of the jaws. 

This sounds like you’ve got another set of teeth that will aid in the chewing of food. That is, if they come out healthy and in their proper places. Not all people have wisdom teeth and not all who have them erupt in their proper position.

Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth Growing In

There are signs that will tell you your third molars are soon making their appearance. Most times, a certain discomfort, redness, swelling, and some manageable pain can be felt. Some people do not even feel anything or do not notice that their wisdom teeth have come through.  

Most of these third molars do not erupt normally or they come through in the wrong position or place, sometimes due to the lack of space. In this case they are called impacted or crooked teeth. They are prevented from erupting properly. 

You might think that impacted teeth always cause pain, but that is not always so. However, there can be pain and soreness in the jaw area, painful, swollen, and bleeding gums, bad breath, bad taste in the mouth, or difficulty opening the mouth. Sometimes, because of the unnatural position of the wisdom tooth, it can cause pressure on the bone or root of the adjacent tooth, resulting in cyst formation. 

When third molars become impacted, they tend to overcrowd other teeth and become harder to clean causing build-up of plaque. They tend to have a higher rate of decay because of their position. Untreated dental plaque leads to decay, gum disease, including bad breath.


Seeking Information on Wisdom Teeth at Lynnwood Song Dental

If you are having problems with your wisdom teeth, come see your Lynnwood dentist. Here at Song Dental in Lynnwood, let’s make the best assessment of your particular situation.