How Does Dental Scaling Feel Like And What Can I Expect?

What You Should Know About Dental Scaling

Dental scaling is a relatively simple procedure performed only by a professional – your dentist or a qualified dental hygienist. It may cause some degree of discomfort because it involves vigorous removal or scaling of hard tartar. So your specialist will have to make you more comfortable.

Deep Cleaning

Dental scaling is a form of deep cleaning often indicated for periodontal disease, that is might not progress further. The procedure may cause some discomfort for the patient so the gums and roots will have to be anesthetized to render them numb during the procedure. Depending on the degree of disease progression, the dentist will either use hand held instruments, like scalers and curettes, or ultrasonic instruments. Both ways will remove plaque, tartar, and other debris collected above and below the gum line. Both will use numbing agents as well.

Root planing may be the next step if your dentist sees that even the roots of your teeth have sticky tartar on their surfaces. Plaque, tartar, and other debris should be removed by smoothing out those rough spots on the roots. It helps to prevent these sticky residues from reattaching themselves after the scaling has been completed. It also helps gum disease from progressing.

Dental scaling is usually done in a single sitting if the tartar involvement is slight to moderate. However, for extensive tartar coverage, it may be necessary for your dentist to do a quadrant to half of the mouth at a time. Then it may take several more visits.

What can you expect after a dental scaling?

After deep cleanings such as scaling and root planing, there may be mild to moderate gum tenderness, swelling and/or bleeding after the numbness from the anesthetic wears off. Your dentist can prescribe you over-the-counter pain relievers and remind you about keeping your oral hygiene routine at par, which may include an antibacterial mouth rinse. In just a few days or so, you will notice your gums have recovered and are looking pink and healthy.

Experience Dental Scaling in Lynnwood

Visit your Lynnwood dentist today for an assessment of gum disease. If you should be a candidate for dental scaling, rest assured it would be a most comfortable and effective option for you.